🌟 혹시 몰라(서)

1. 혹시 어떻게 될지 몰라서 만약의 경우를 생각하여.

1. PUISQU'ON NE SAIT PAS CE QUI PEUT ARRIVER: En réfléchissant à un cas éventuel et en ne sachant pas comment les choses vont se passer.

🗣️ Exemple(s):
  • Google translate 여행하는 동안 여관에서 묵기로 했지만 혹시 몰라서 침낭을 챙겼다.
    I was supposed to stay at the inn during the trip, but i packed my sleeping bag just in case.
  • Google translate 머리에 야구공을 맞고 겉으로 보기에는 이상이 없었지만 혹시 몰라서 병원에 가서 검사를 했다.
    Hit by a baseball in the head and seemingly fine, but just in case, i went to the hospital for an examination.

혹시 몰라(서): because no one knows what may or may not happen; just in case,どうなるか分からなくて。念の為,puisqu'on ne sait pas ce qui peut arriver,por las dudas,لأن لا أحد يعلم ما قد يحدث أو لا يحدث,юмыг яаж мэдэхэв,không biết chừng,(ป.ต.) เผื่อไม่รู้(ว่า) ; เผื่อว่า, กันไว้ดีกว่าแก้,untuk berjaga-jaga,,为了安全起见,

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